
The new electronic science laboratory, is designed to introduce to people since age 10 onwards, electronics, in a fun and exciting. no prior knowledge of this science is required.

Electronic Science Laboratory stimulate the minds of the students using the principle of experiments easy to understand to start or to complement their knowledge.

It is induced to them in the form of game, the science that is unfailingly were in his future, and already in its present. This laboratory could be considered as the electronic mechanism.

Fast, progressive and systematic advance

the ideas of scientific projects, will come as experiments are working with integrated circuits, transistors, LEDs (led) light, photocells, resistors, capacitors etc. this material is ideal to start everyone in the wonderful world of electronics. in fact. This is being acquired by almost all educational establishments.


the main objective of this blog is to help the student a:

-know the basic components used in electronics.
-Learn the names and symbols of electronic components.
-Learn how to read electronic schematics.
-Learn to make a component is used basically.
-Learn how to build and operate electronic devices, according to schematic diagrams.

what is the use of an electronic component?
they are sue to be sold in a board and create on electronics circuit whit a particular funtion.

what kind of product is an electronic component?
they are industrial products

what does a lead do?
the lead connector

what is necessary to create an electronic circuit?
is necesary active, pasive and electromechanic component

whzt is the diferrent between active and passive components?
the diferent is that on gives power the other recives

-Jhonatan Cadavid Galvis
-Jose Fernando Lopez Rojas
-Leonardo Gonzalez Hernandez